The Wallaceburg Wellness Centre welcomes...

Thermography Clinic Niagara

Mobile Imaging Clinic Dates:
Sat. Sept 21, 2024

We are pleased again to host the
Thermography Clinic Niagara. To book your appointment, please contact their office directly.

Phone: 905-714-1221 Cell: 905-327-4008


Digital infrared imaging scans show the function, the physiology and the metabolism of breast tissue. It gives a picture of the functional activity in breast tissue. Usually, abnormal cells are hotter because a malignant tissue mass is greedy. To feed their rapid growth, these cells produce a chemical that makes new blood vessels grow. This is called angiogenesis ("angio" means blood vessel; "genesis" means creation.) A digital infrared imaging scan shows the heat difference between normal breast tissue and problem areas. NO radiation, NO compression, NO touching, NON-invasion. Be proactive in your breast health - BOOK your appointment now. 

Price List

Cranial / Dental / Thyroid - $225
Breast Assessment - $295
 Combo: Breast + Cranial-Dental-Thyroid - $445
Upper Body Imaging - $300
Lower Body Imaging - $300
Full Body Imaging (Female) - $700
Full Body Imaging (Male) - $700  
MAIL OUT Doctor Copy (each) - $10.00
All Service - Add HST

We accept Cash (please have exact change) Cheque, Debit, E-Transfer, VISA & MasterCard

Unfortunately, OHIP does not cover the cost of Thermal Imaging. SOME benefit programs do cover a portion of the cost. (i.e. Sunlife may cover up to 80% depending on your employer). You will need to call them and ask if they cover Thermography. If they say NO, ask if IMAGING is covered in the OTHER category. (i.e. x-rays from a chiropractor of bloodwork that you pay for out of pocket first).

Late Change or Cancellation Policy
To avoid a charge, 48-hour notice is required to change or cancel existing appointments. A credit card number will be taken at the time of your booking.
Please note that this policy is in effect and outside of understandable emergency situations. The following charges will apply.

Missed Phone Consult

  • A $25 fee will be charged if proper cancellation notification is not given.

Missed Appointment

  • A $50 fee will be charged if proper cancellation notification is not given.

    Please call the cell number 905-327-4008 to notify us of any cancellations.

Without this policy, such activity can negatively affect our availability to our customer base. Thank you for your understanding.

Early detection is important, BUT Prevention is Key!  FAQ